All You Need To Know Ahead Of Local Elections

Are you ready for May 4th? No not Star Wars Day but Surrey local council elections. This year there are major changes in how you can vote and for some where you can vote. For the first time in the UK you will need Photo id. to vote at a polling station. Some local councils have also had boundary changes in most cases with less wards and councillors as in previous years.We hope this guide will help you be prepared and we ask everyone to make sure you use your right to have your say and VOTE.

Photo ID.

The UK Government has introduced a requirement for voters to show photo ID when voting at a polling station at elections. If you do not show ID then you will not be issued with a ballot paper. This new requirement will apply for the first time at the local elections on Thursday 4 May 2023.

You may already have a form of photo ID that is acceptable. These are some of the main ones you can use:

• passport
• photo driving licence (full or provisional)
• blue badge
• Older Person’s Bus Pass, Disabled Person’s Bus Pass, Oyster 60+ Card, Freedom Pass
• identity card with PASS hologram (Proof of Age Standards Scheme)
• biometric immigration document
• defence identity card
• national identity cards issued by an EEA state

You can use photo ID if it’s out of date, as long as it looks like you.

The name on your ID should be the same name as you are registered to vote. If it is not then you should take along other proof of name change such as a marriage certificate or deed poll.

There will be more information on your poll card about other acceptable forms of photo ID or you can find out more on the Electoral Commission website or call their helpline on 0800 328 0280.

If you don’t already have an accepted form of photo ID you can apply for a free voter ID document, known as a Voter Authority Certificate. You can apply for this online at the Voter Authority Certificate Service or contact Electoral Services for a paper form.

The deadline to apply for a Voter Authority Certificate for elections on Thursday 4 May 2023 is by no later than 5pm on Tuesday 25 April 2023. You need to be registered to vote before you apply for a Voter Authority Certificate.

You do not need photo ID if you vote by post.

Boundary Changes 

The Local Government Boundary Commission completed its review of  electoral wards across certain Surrey local councils in 2022 and the changes they made will apply at the elections on 4th May. This will mean for a few people their local polling station will have changed

Poll cards for the elections on 4th May will be going out from 27 March and will contain information about which ward you are in and the location of your polling station. You should check your poll card when it arrives to see if you need to go to a different polling station since you last voted.

Have You Moved?

If you have moved since the Surrey Police and Crime Commissioner election in May 2021 you will need to register to vote at your new address. To do so please visit to update your details. Ensure you give your old address when you register so that the councils are notified and can remove your name from your previous address on their register.

To Find out more about elections in your Local Area:

Response from Epsom and Ewell Green Belt Group

After the news of Epsom and Ewell Borough Council decision to pause the Local Plan we asked Save Epsom Green Belt for a statement.

Following debate of a special  “Pause” motion for the Draft Local Plan proposed by Cllr Eber Kington (RA) and seconded by Cllr Christine Howells (RA),

Councillors voted for by 20 votes to 4 against, with 1 Abstention . Chair, and Mayor, Cllr Clive Woodbridge (RA) did not vote.

Over 50 residents packed the Public Gallery to hear the debate, which was also streamed online. Over 100 residents outside welcomed the Councillors to the meeting, protesting against proposals in the Draft Local Plan to build 2,175 all new homes (0ver 40% of total proposed )in the borough by 2040 on Green Belt Land (see picture).

The Draft Local Plan will now be paused until after the 4th May local elections, to allow further examination of potential brownfield sites and to await new Government planning framework rules, expected by end-May.

Epsom and Ewell Green Belt Group campaigner Ms Yufan Si said

“Following the lead from Cllrs Kington and Howells, we are pleased to see the vast majority of councillors now think the Local Plan should be paused.

However, we shall be asking the new Council in May to go further, and confirm its policy opposition to all Green Belt development in the borough, unless made mandatory by the government to meet imposed housing targets. On behalf of residents, we will also ask all councillors standing in the Local Elections to declare their policy commitment to Green Belt protection”

Tim Murphy, chair, Epsom branch, Campaign to Protect Rural England, said of the Council’s pause “Whatever the precise wording of the motion, I think it would be extremely difficult for a revised version of the Local Plan to be published in the future with 40% housing development proposed on the Green Belt”

Epsom & Ewell Council Pause Local Plan

Epsom & Ewell Council Pause Local Plan

Epsom & Ewell Councillors vote to pause the Local Plan process at Extraordinary Council meeting

Epsom & Ewell Councillors voted last night to pause the Local Plan process at an Extraordinary Council meeting.

The meeting, on Wednesday 22 March, was called in response to a motion brought by seven Councillors that proposed the Local Plan process be paused, other than for the purpose of analysing the responses of the public consultation to capture residents’ views and any new information. The motion stated that the pause would enable further work on identifying brown field sites, further options to be considered that do not include green belt sites, an analysis of Epsom & Ewell’s required future housing numbers based on 2018 data, and a clearer understanding of the Government’s legislative intentions in regard to protections for the green belt and the current mandatory target for housing numbers.

During the meeting Cllr Eber Kington, who proposed the motion, started by speaking for the motion, followed by Cllr Christine Howells who was seconder for the motion. Other Members present were invited to provide their views, being able to speak for up to three minutes, before Cllr Steven McCormick, as responder to the motion, provided his response. Cllr Kington then summed up his views before the vote was taken.

Of the 26 Councillors who attended the meeting, 20 voted for the motion, 4 voted against the motion and 1 abstained. The Mayor did not vote.

Cllr Steven McCormick, Chair of the Licensing and Planning Policy Committee, said: “We recognise that there is strength of feeling in the community regarding the inclusion of green belt in the Draft Local Plan, and it is a vital part of our democratic process that motions such as these can be brought to full Council and voted on by all Members.

“We are still at a very early stage of the process in developing a Local Plan for the borough. The decision to pause in progressing the Draft Local Plan means that we will wait for more detail on the Government’s intentions with regard to the current mandatory target for housing numbers and the data that must be used when developing Local Plans; we expect more information from the Government later in the Spring. Work will also continue in identifying potential further brownfield sites that could be used for development.

“During this time, we will continue to carefully analyse all responses received during the recent public consultation to ensure that all views are taken into consideration. We remain committed to developing a Local Plan that reflects our vibrant community and allows all those who live, work, visit and study in the borough to thrive”

10,000 against Green Belt Development

Draft Local Plan Party Views.


The Mole Valley Community Lottery £2,000 winner

Since launching, over £7,000 has been won, 3,774 extra tickets have been sold and over £40,000 has been raised for the Mole Valley community. 4th March , saw our first ever £2000 winner in the Mole Valley Community Lottery

The Mole Valley Community Lottery is an online, sustainable fundraising solution provided by Mole Valley District Council (MVDC) with no upfront costs. It’s designed to help local non-profit organisations diversify and enable year-round fundraising in a safe, fun and effective way.

There are over 55 registered causes to choose from when purchasing your ticket. The chosen cause receives 50p of the £1 ticket with an additional 10p going to MVDC’s Environment Fund, which supports climate change initiatives in Mole Valley. Or you can choose to support the Environment Fund itself.

There are weekly cash prizes to be won up to the value of the £25,000 jackpot, with 50:1 odds of winning a prize. You can have a bit of fun while knowing you are really helping your local community. Buy a ticket and support the local community today by playing the lottery.

Janet Galpin was delighted to receive her prize and is very happy to see the benefits going to her chosen charity – Dyscover, a specialist charity based in Leatherhead, who provide long-term support and opportunity for people with aphasia, a communication disability often caused by a stroke, brain injury or a rare form of dementia.

Janet said: “I never win anything, so this was a real surprise! Dyscover is an amazing, professional, and helpful charity, who have done so much to support my husband. I’m planning to donate some of my winnings to them. The Mole Valley Community Lottery is a great way to support a local charity. Setting up the direct debit to play was really easy to do – you don’t have to worry about it, as the money just comes out each week, but there is the option to pay for tickets by debit card, so you can play when you like”

Councillor Claire Malcomson, Cabinet Member for Climate Change said: “The scheme is a wonderful way to support local projects that make a real difference to our residents’ lives, as well as help protect our precious environment.

To support a local good cause and play the lottery today go to: – if you enter before Saturday 25 March, you will be in with a chance of winning a trip to Center Parcs, all for just £1 a week!

“Chosen good causes not only benefit from receiving 50p of the profits from ticket sales but they also receive a range of bespoke marketing materials and support, as well as their own Mole Valley Community Lottery web page! Sign up at any time for FREE, it’s so easy to do – simply visit to register.”

Potential Sale of Meadowbank Stadium

On Tuesday 21 March 2023, Mole Valley District Council’s Cabinet will be considering a report concerning the recommendation to approve, in principle and subject to contract, the exchange of the Meadowbank Stadium freehold to Dorking Wanderers Football Club.

In advance of the Cabinet meeting, all Members were given the opportunity to make observations and ask questions about the report, in addition to expressing comments and making suggestions on alternative options in connection with the potential sale at the Extraordinary Full Council meeting held on Tuesday 7 March 2023.

The offer Dorking Wanderers Football Club made to Mole Valley District Council is to purchase the freehold of the area of land which comprises, in broad terms, Meadowbank Stadium, the soft play and café facilities and Surrey County Football Association’s offices. The offer has generated considerable public interest both for and against the potential exchange of the facility’s freehold.

The proposed disposal of the freehold will be put forward for the Cabinet’s consideration on Tuesday 21 March. An update on the decision will be published under Cabinet Agendas and Minutes section and a specific webpage on MVDC’s websitedetailing the recent history of this matter. The meeting can either be watched live or retrospectively via MVDC’s webcast service.

If the decision made by Cabinet is to accept the offer from Dorking Wanderers Football Club in principle, this will trigger a period of legal, financial and technical due diligence by MVDC officers and Dorking Wanderers Football Club. The matter will then be ultimately decided by Cabinet at a future meeting..

Councillor Stephen Cooksey, Leader of Mole Valley District Council, said: “I look forward to this matter being considered by Cabinet on 21 March in the knowledge that any decision made will be informed by having taken the time to listen to the valuable views of key stakeholders and residents, together with the comments and suggestions made by Full Council.”                                                                                                                                           

Defibrillators installed across Epsom & Ewell

Epsom & Ewell Borough Council have worked in partnership with national charity Community Heartbeat Trust to install 12 new 24/7 defibrillators across the borough. The project was delivered with funding secured via the Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL).

Defibrillators are designed to be used by members of the public with no previous experience in the event of someone going into cardiac arrest. They can, and do, save lives. The new defibrillators have been installed in the following locations:

        • Market Place, Epsom
        • Ebbisham Centre, Epsom Square, Epsom
        • Town Hall (Rear entrance)
        • Harold Bell Solicitors, 174 Kingston Road, Ewell
        • St John’s Parish Centre, Station Approach, Stoneleigh
        • Auriol Park Café, Salisbury Road, Worcester Park
        • The Parade Dental Practice, 177 Kingston Road, Ewell
        • Ruxley Chemist, Ruxley Lane, Ewell Court
        • Horton Pharmacy, Pelman Way, Epsom
        • Horton Country Park, Horton Lane, Epsom
        • Londis Convenience Store, Hollymoor Lane, Epsom
        • NISA Convenience Store, Ruxley Lane

Councillor Barry Nash, who put forward the CIL bid, said, “After a lot of hard work by all involved, I am so pleased the defibrillator project has now been completed.

“I’d like to thank our partners from the Community Heartbeat Trust who shared their expertise with us, provided and installed all the defibrillators across the borough and will continue to provide a post-rescue counselling service.”

Councillor John Beckett, Chair of the Environment and Safe Communities Committee, added, “You never know when a medical emergency may occur. Time can be extremely limited and having the right equipment on hand will save lives.

“The installation of these 12 new defibrillators will ensure the borough is prepared and our community is safer.”

Two men and a woman sentenced for a burglary in Epsom

Two men and a woman have been sentenced for a burglary that took place just over a year ago in Epsom.

On Saturday, 5 March 2022, an intruder alarm sounded at a property on Ashdown Road in Epsom. Police hurried to the scene, where they found Mia Elson, Mark Andrews, and Luke Andrews all sat in a car outside the address. On seeing police Luke tried to flee the scene and was tasered.

Officers searched the house and the car. A side window of the house had been smashed, and a search had been carried out in three of the rooms. The three suspects were in possession of jewellery, watches, medals, and a purse with cards linked to the burgled address.

All three suspects were arrested, and Luke told his arresting officer, “I’ve been caught bang to rights. I ain’t getting out of this one.”

It transpired that Luke and Mark Andrews had also attempted to break into a house on Downs Wood in Epsom earlier the same evening. The occupier called police after spotting two men on their CCTV camera attempting to break into the house with a pitchfork and spade stolen out of their garden shed. They did not manage to get in but damaged a window before fleeing the scene.

All three were charged with burglary and theft in relation to Ashdown Road, and with attempted burglary in relation to Downs Wood. They pleaded guilty and were sentenced at Guildford Crown Court on Friday, 10 March as follows:

Luke Andrews, 26, of Pelman Way, Epsom, was sentenced to four years and six months in prison.

Mark Andrews, 29, of Dunstable Road, West Molesey, was sentenced to three years and nine months in prison.

Mia Elson, 30, also of Dunstable Road, West Molesey, received a sentence of 16 months’ imprisonment suspended for 18 months.

Luke’s sentence also reflects an additional charge of burglary from September 2020, where he was found to have stolen a grey Vauxhall Moka following a break-in at an address on Hook Road in Epsom. The vehicle was later recovered, and forensics linked Luke to the offence. When questioned by officers as to why his DNA was in the stolen vehicle, he claimed that he couldn’t even drive, but had been sleeping in the vehicle for a couple of nights. When asked if he knew that it was stolen, he replied “I’m not stupid, of course I knew it was stolen.”

PC Brown, who investigated Luke Andrews’ case from September 2020, said:

“Luke Andrews was brazen enough to scale a drainpipe and climb in through the window of a family home, creeping past the victims and their young children whilst they slept to steal a purse and car keys, before taking the car from the drive. This intrusion left such a lasting impact that the family simply couldn’t live in their home any longer and have since had to move.

“I hope this sentence sends a clear message to those thinking of committing burglary in Surrey that we will do everything possible to investigate these offences and bring offenders to justice.”

DC Kinkade, who investigated the March 2022 burglaries, said:

“On 5 March 2022, Mark Andrews, Luke Andrews, and Mia Elson went out specifically to target unoccupied houses with the intention to steal valuable items. They showed no regard for the owners of these homes or the impact their actions would have on their lives.

“I hope this sentence gives the defendants the time to understand the consequences of their actions and deters any other individuals thinking of committing burglaries in Surrey.”

10,000 against Green Belt Development

A petition launched against the inclusion of Green Belt sites for housing in Epsom and Ewell Borough Council’s Draft Local Plan has now topped 10,000 signatories,(as of 16th March). Believed to be the largest ever petition response to any policy change in the borough, this record petition continues to attract signatures daily.

Some 2,175 homes are proposed in five Green Belt sites in Epsom and Ewell’s Draft Plan, as “not enough” capacity can be found on priority brownfield sites, claim the Council. This represents over 40% of the total 5,400 new homes proposed.

Residents are furious that, under the EEBC constitution, the petition has continued to be considered unacceptable by the Council, with “local development plans” excluded as a permitted petitioner policy subject.

The petition has been organised by Epsom & Ewell Green Belt group, and campaign leader Yufan Si said, “It goes against natural democracy to ban certain petition subjects, but this Council – controlled by Resident Association councillors- appears to have its head in the sand over its residents’ views.”

“ We have already forced a change in the Council’s Constitution which actually banned Public Questions at Council Committee Meetings that related to any current Agenda item. The absurdity of this position has now been acknowledged and changed from May 4. We now ask EEBC’s Constitution Committee to review the validity of petition bans, as it is obvious in this case that the Council are seriously out of step with a huge swathe of residents’ concerns over Green Belt loss .”

An Extraordinary full Council meeting has now been fixed for 22nd March to debate a motion to pause the Plan until new government planning guidelines are confirmed in May, following an intervention by Cllr Eber Kington and other councillors.

With Draft Local Plan public consultation comments due in by this Sunday, 19th March, residents can complete a consultation response on

The petition can be seen on clicking on Petition tab.


Article supplied by Epsom Green

If you have a press release you would like us to share please email [email protected] We don’t charge and only publish if we feel it is appropriate for our site and area. 

Draft Local Plan Party Views.

Epsom Residents Slam Green Belt Local Plan Inclusion

EEBC launches public consultation on Draft Local Plan

New name for Epsom & Ewell’s Dementia Daycare

Epsom & Ewell Borough Council have renamed their Dementia Daycare Service the Dementia Hub – and are using the opportunity to remind those living locally about the fantastic service the Hub offers for the community.

The Dementia Hub, situated in Sefton Road in Epsom, offers specialist respite daycare for people living with memory loss and dementia. It offers a safe, friendly environment where clients can enjoy activities, social interaction and develop skills to improve their quality of life.

The Dementia Hub is part of the Community & Wellbeing Centre, a support hub which offers social and recreational activities for over 55s. The Community & Wellbeing Centre also provides services including assisted bathing, a community alarm service, foot clinic, meals at home, a shopping service and transport from home.

The Dementia Hub’s new name and logo will make it easier for people to find information about the facility online, as well as helping create a stronger identity for the service.

Councillor Alex Coley, Chair of the Community and Wellbeing Committee, said: “We’re incredibly proud of the work that the Dementia Hub does to help enrich the lives of people living with memory loss and dementia, and the lives of their carers too.

“The specialist team at the Dementia Hub provide a home-from-home environment where people can take part in memory therapies, gentle exercise, art therapy and more – whilst also making friends.

“Caring for a loved one with dementia or memory loss can be challenging at times. The Dementia Hub also enables carers to take precious time to rest and recharge – or simply catch up with essential tasks.”

People who are interested in finding out more about the Dementia Hub or who’d like to book a free assessment can call 01372 727583 or visit:

Prison for Epsom and Leatherhead drug dealer

Prison time for drug dealer after he gets unexpected wake-up call

A prolific drug dealer who was running the ‘Chris’ drugs line from London into Surrey, is now behind bars after we joined forces with our colleagues at the Metropolitan Police to take down the line.

Hashim Mohamed, 22, of Ferguson Drive in Ealing, was sentenced to 3 years imprisonment on Friday 3 March at Guildford Crown Court, after being found guilty of:

      • Being concerned in the supply of class A (heroin)
      • Being concerned in the supply of class A (crack cocaine)

Hashim was first apprehended back in August of 2020 after officers acted on intelligence that he was running a drugs supply line that was trafficking drugs into the Leatherhead and Epsom areas of Surrey.

In a dawn raid at his home address, our officers along with colleagues from the Met’s Operation Orochi County Lines Taskforce, surprised a sleeping Hashim and found the ‘Chris’ line phone under his pillow with messages evidencing the large-scale organisation and sale of drugs into Surrey.

Hashim was arrested on suspicion of a number of drug offences and subsequently charged.

Detective Constable Elliott Abdo, who led the investigation, said; “Drugs can have a devastating impact on local communities and cause a ripple effect of anti-social behaviour, exploitation, violence and linked crimes. Because of this, it is something we take extremely seriously here in Surrey. Proactive policing and intelligence gathering means that if you are part of illegal drug supply activity, you can be reassured that we will catch you.”