Cabinet Approves Adaptation Priority of Climate Change Strategy

On 26 September, Mole Valley District Council’s (MVDC’s) Cabinet has approved Priority 4 of the Climate Change Strategy. Priority 4, “Adaptation”, focuses on building resilience to the adverse impacts of the changing climate for MVDC’s services, residents and businesses.

On 18 June 2019, Mole Valley District Council (MVDC) declared a Climate Emergency and introduced a strategy comprised of four key Priorities to help address the ongoing challenge:

      • Priority 1: Reducing emissions from Mole Valley District Council’s (MVDC’s) estate and operations
      • Priority 2: Reducing energy consumption and emissions by promoting energy efficiency measures, sustainable construction, renewable energy sources and behaviour change
      • Priority 3: Reducing consumption of resources, increasing recycling and reducing waste
      • Priority 4: Supporting council services, residents and businesses to adapt to the impacts of climate change.

MVDC will use the Adaptation Strategy to provide a framework to deliver against Priority 4 which covers the following events: flooding, extreme heat, drought, water insecurity, and extreme cold. The Strategy addresses Climate Change by highlighting areas within Infrastructure, Natural Environment and Public Health where changes can be made to minimise the risks stemming from climate change.

Examples of Adaptation methods that may be considered include looking at soil erosion in our parks and open spaces, minimising the risks of fires in our grasslands and moving to more drought resistant planting.

The Adaptation Strategy is outlined in Appendix 1 of the Climate Change Adaptation Strategy. Actions identified by the strategy are generic ones, and it is not intended to provide a detailed plan of actions to be implemented at specified locations across the district. For all actions categorised as “More action needed”, a progress update will be provided in the Annual Climate Change Strategy update, next due in March 2024.

For actions categorised as “Further investigation”, an update will be provided in March 2025. A separate communications plan will be prepared for residents and businesses. This will provide advice on actions that can be taken to prepare for and minimise the impacts of climate change.

Cabinet Member for Climate Change and Wellbeing, Claire Malcomson said: “The Climate Change Strategy and associated action plan demonstrate the commitment and contribution of MVDC in mitigating the pressing risk we face from climate change-induced adverse weather events. The development of the Climate Change Adaptation Strategy sets out a framework to mitigate the risks of climate change at a local level.

“This essential resiliency work comprises the fourth objective of our Climate Change strategy and joins ambitious goals to reduce MVDC’s emissions, energy use and the wider consumption of resources. We are committed to helping our residents, businesses and services not only prepare for climate impacts, but also work towards achieving a greener operating district by increasing sustainable construction, renewable energy use and recycling initiatives.”

Information on current progress for the District against the resulting Climate Change Strategy can be found here.

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