Mole Valley Local Plan Progresses to Final Stage

Councillor Margaret CookseyCouncillor Margaret Cooksey, Mole Valley District Council’s (MVDC) Cabinet Member for Planning, said: “Having taken the decision at an Extraordinary Council meeting to progress with the examination of the draft Local Plan – as originally submitted to the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities in early-2022 – we had been awaiting the Planning Inspector’s instructions on next steps.

“We have now received confirmation from the Inspector that we can proceed to the final stage in the Local Plan Examination, ahead of it progressing towards being adopted and setting the framework for future development and protection of the local environment in Mole Valley during the Plan’s duration, until 2038. This next stage is the Main Modifications consultation. Residents, businesses and anyone else who works, lives or is interested in the future of our beautiful district has until Tuesday 23 April 2024 to view a list of proposed changes made by the Planning Inspector to the draft Local Plan and comment on those amendments.

“All adjustments made have been deemed necessary by the Inspector to ensure our Plan meets the required standard to be able to be adopted. Having already been through an exhaustive Examination process, the Inspector will only be able to consider comments concerning the Main Modifications document, and not any other aspect of the draft Plan. We will also be submitting our own feedback on the proposed modifications for the Inspector’s consideration after the consultation period has closed.

“The Main Modifications documents can be found both online at and as a paper document available to view at Mole Valley District Council’s Dorking offices and Ashtead, Beare Green Village Hall, Bookham, Dorking and Leatherhead libraries. Any comments on the documents can be submitted by email to [email protected] and in writing to: Planning Policy, Mole Valley District Council, Pippbrook, Dorking, RH4 1SJ.”

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