Surrey Dog Walkers Code Updated

image of a couple walking their dog in the woods

Surrey County Council have reviewed and updated it’s code of conduct for dog walkers in Surrey. The code highlights the importance of picking up dog waste, keeping dogs under control, and the recommended number of animals per individual when dog walking.

The purpose of the code of conduct is to ensure that all dog walkers have a happy, healthy, and hassle-free visit to the beautiful Surrey countryside. It is highly recommended that people follow the guidelines outlined in the code for the best experience for themself, others and wildlife. Additionally, there is a dedicated section in the code for professional dog walkers more on that in a moment.

The code has 7 sections they are:

    • Keep dogs under control and within sight
    • Look out for livestock and wildlife
    • Keep paws on paths
    • Pick it up
    • Keep your dog safe
    • Follow local signs
    • Professional dog walkers

Surrey County Council have collaborated with other local landowners, along with the National Trust, Surrey Wildlife Trust, Thames Basin Heaths Partnership and Surrey Hills National Landscape, to create this code of conduct. The code is also supported by: The National Trust, Battersea Cats and Dogs Home, Surrey Wildlife Trust, Thames Basin Heaths Partnership, Surrey Hills National Landscape, Wotton Estate, Hampton Estate and industry expert Access and Countryside Management Ltd.

You can find the full code Here

Professional Dog Walkers

As for professional dog walkers Surrey County Council encourages professional dog walkers to sign up and follow the guidelines outlined in the Code of Conduct.

By signing up, your dog walking business will be featured on their website, and customers will have the assurance that their beloved pets will be cared for in accordance with Surrey County Council best practices for their welfare and care. You will also be making an effort to respect the unique features of the Surrey countryside. Additionally, businesses can get a vinyl car sticker to display on their vehicles to promote their adherence to good practice and the code. To sign up Click Here

For further information on professional dog walking in Surrey’s countryside please email; [email protected]

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