What’s On In Surrey Music

microphone image,

What’s On In Surrey is about to launch a new What’s On Podcast and we want to highlight the amazing musical talents we have across Surrey.

The pod will feature Interviews, Event listing, Reviews and Music and will be shared across our social media platforms to over 75,000 followers.

We will let you know if your music has been selected and when it will be going live. You can also list your gigs in Surrey for FREE here 

So if you like to be part of the show there are 2 simple steps:

        1.  Fill in the form below with us much info as possible
        2. Upload your tracks via WeTransfer to [email protected]

Please note we will not play music that is offensive, racist, contains swearing or hateful towards others 

Your Bio

This information will be used to promote you on the Pod.
If you don't not own the copyright of this song sadly we can't play it
What town or area of Surrey are you from?
Give as much info as possible by listing the location and dates below.
Do you consent to having this website store your submitted information so they can respond to you.

Links To Your Music That You Allow Us To Share

No personal links will be shared. All links must relate to the Act / Band
make sure to add http://
make sure to add http://
make sure to add http://
make sure to add http://
make sure to add http://
make sure to add http://
make sure to add http://
make sure to add http://