Are you somebody who enjoys doing slow, mindful movements as a way of improving not just your physical wellbeing, but also your mental wellbeing too? Why not come along to our 5-week only winter workshop on Zoom where you can enjoy the benefits of Qigong, but from your own home! Contact us now to book a place.
Are you somebody who enjoys taking part in sport or exercise to help improve your mental wellbeing? Well then, this class might be for you! We are offering this men-only, 5-week taekwondo class where you can enjoy not only the sport and exercise element of participating in taekwondo, but also learning a martial art and the skills that a martial art can gift you, in the form of self-defence skills! Contact us now to book a place.
Are you somebody who practises mindfulness or are interested in trying something that helps with mindfulness? Why not try our online Qigong sessions, which is very adaptable in nature and is a great way of helping you with not only your physical wellbeing, but also your mental wellbeing too. Contact us now to book a place.