MVDC Successful Planning Prosecutions

Mole Valley District Council (MVDC) has successfully prosecuted two companies and their directors in separate cases for failing to comply with amenity improvement notices, served on them owing to the poor state of properties owned by the respective companies.

Mole Valley District Council (MVDC) has successfully prosecuted two companies and their directors in separate cases for failing to comply with amenity improvement notices, served on them owing to the poor state of properties owned by the respective companies.

On 8th April 2024 at Guildford Magistrates Court, Mr Glen Coffey pleaded guilty in his role as Director and on behalf of his company, Goldrose Management Limited, for failing to comply with a Section 215 amenity improvement notice concerning the poor state of 49-51 High Street, Leatherhead. Both Mr Coffey and Goldrose Management Ltd received maximum Court fines, together with victim surcharges and orders that each pay £5,000 towards the MVDC’s legal costs. Mr Coffey did not attend the hearing.

In a similar but unconnected case heard on the same day, the Court convicted and sentenced FTSH Ltd and its director Mr Pinchos Herskovic, who did not attend the hearing, to maximum Court files, victim surcharges and costs each of £4,754 for failing to comply with a Section 215 amenity improvement notice served due to the poor state of The Chapel, Reigate Road, Leatherhead, owned by the company.

MVDC had been involved in monitoring both sites for several years due to their poor condition and negative impact on the local area. Having made several unsuccessful attempts to work with the owners to improve both sites, formal notices were served and, ultimately, both cases were required to go to Court.

Councillor Margaret CookseyCouncillor Margaret Cooksey, Cabinet Member for Planning, said: “These two successful prosecutions serve as a warning to other companies. We will not tolerate buildings being allowed to fall into disrepair. We will continue to monitor both sites in Leatherhead to ensure the work required to bring the buildings back to a required standard is carried out. I would like to assure those living or working in the surrounding area that there are further powers available to us if that work fails to materialise.”

  Mole Valley District Council (MVDC) has successfully prosecuted two companies and their directors in separate cases for failing to comply with amenity improvement notices, served on them owing to the poor state of properties owned by the respective companies.

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